Discover the Benefits of OX Trade Level 600mm: A Versatile and Durable Spirit Level for Various Applications


I. Introduction
A. Brief overview of the OX Trade Level 600mm
B. Manufacturer and product information

II. Product Details
A. Part Number and Item Model Number
B. Dimensions and Weight
C. Size, Colour, Style and Material
D. Pattern and Power Source
E. Package Quantity and Number of Pieces
F. Included Components
G. Battery Description

III. Features and Benefits
A. Durability and Accuracy
B. Easy-to-read vials
C. Lightweight and compact design
D. Metric measurement system
E. No batteries required
F. Versatile usage

IV. Applications
A. Construction and Building
B. Carpentry and Woodworking
C. DIY and Home Improvement
D. Other applications

V. Conclusion
A. Summary of product features and benefits
B. Recommendations and final thoughts.

I. Introduction:

A. Brief overview of the OX Trade Level 600mm
The OX Trade Level 600mm is a spirit level that has become increasingly popular for its accuracy and durability. It is manufactured by OX Tools UK and is known for its lightweight and easy-to-use design.
B. Manufacturer and product information
The OX Trade Level 600mm has a part number of OX-T500206 and is made of high-quality aluminium. It has easy-to-read vials, uses the metric measurement system, and does not require any batteries. In this document, we will explore the features and benefits of the OX Trade Level 600mm, as well as its applications in various fields. Finally, we will provide our recommendations and final thoughts on the product.

II. Product Details:

A. Part Number and Item Model Number
The OX Trade Level 600mm has a part number of OX-T500206 and an item model number of OX-T500206.
B. Dimensions and Weight
The level measures 61 x 5 x 3.2 cm and weighs 320 grams.
C. Size, Colour, Style and Material
It comes in blue colour and has a spirit-level style. The level is made of durable aluminium.
D. Pattern and Power Source
The level has a single vial pattern and does not require any power source, such as batteries.
E. Package Quantity and Number of Pieces
It comes as a single-item package with one level included.
F. Included Components
The included component is the OX Trade Level 600mm.
G. Battery Description
The level does not include batteries.

In this section, we have provided an overview of the OX Trade Level 600mm’s various product details, including its part number, dimensions, weight, size, colour, style, material, pattern, power source, package quantity, number of pieces, included components, and battery description.

III. Features and Benefits of OX Trade Level 600mm:

The OX Trade Level 600mm has several features and benefits that make it an excellent tool for various applications. These include:

A. Durability and Accuracy
The level is made of high-quality aluminium, making it durable and long-lasting. It also has a high level of accuracy, ensuring precise measurements.

B. Easy-to-Read Vials
The level has easy-to-read vials that are visible from multiple angles, making it easy to use in various settings.

C. Lightweight and Compact Design
Weighing only 320 grams, the level is lightweight and easy to carry around. Its compact design also makes it easy to store in small spaces.

D. Metric Measurement System
The level uses the metric measurement system, making it suitable for use in most countries.

E. No Batteries Required
The level does not require any batteries, making it more environmentally friendly and cost-effective.

F. Versatile Usage
The OX Trade Level 600mm is suitable for a wide range of applications, including construction, carpentry, and DIY projects.

Overall, the OX Trade Level 600mm offers a range of features and benefits that make it an excellent tool for various applications.

IV. Applications of OX Trade Level 600mm:

The OX Trade Level 600mm is a versatile tool that can be used in a variety of applications, including:

A. Construction and Building
The level is ideal for use in construction and building projects, such as measuring walls, floors, and ceilings.

B. Carpentry and Woodworking
Carpenters and woodworkers can use the level to ensure accurate measurements for cutting and installing wood pieces.

C. DIY and Home Improvement
The level is also suitable for use in DIY and home improvement projects, such as hanging shelves or picture frames.

D. Other Applications
The OX Trade Level 600mm can be used for a variety of other applications, including metalworking, plumbing, and electrical work.

Overall, the OX Trade Level 600mm is a versatile tool that can be used in a range of applications, making it an essential tool for professionals and DIY enthusiasts alike.

IV. Applications of OX Trade Level 600mm:

The OX Trade Level 600mm is a versatile tool that can be used in a variety of applications, including:

A. Construction and Building

The level is ideal for use in construction and building projects, such as measuring walls, floors, and ceilings.

B. Carpentry and Woodworking

Carpenters and woodworkers can use the level to ensure accurate measurements for cutting and installing wood pieces.

C. DIY and Home Improvement

The level is also suitable for use in DIY and home improvement projects, such as hanging shelves or picture frames.

D. Other Applications

The OX Trade Level 600mm can be used for a variety of other applications, including metalworking, plumbing, and electrical work.

Overall, the OX Trade Level 600mm is a versatile tool that can be used in a range of applications, making it an essential tool for professionals and DIY enthusiasts alike.

V. Conclusion:

A. Summary of Product Features and Benefits
In summary, the OX Trade Level 600mm is a lightweight, easy-to-use, and durable spirit level made of high-quality aluminium. It features easy-to-read vials, and a metric measurement system, and requires no batteries. Its accuracy, resilience, and versatility make it an essential tool for professionals and DIY enthusiasts alike.

B. Recommendations and Final Thoughts
We highly recommend the OX Trade Level 600mm for anyone in need of a reliable and high-quality spirit level. Its accuracy, durability, and affordability make it an excellent investment that will last for years to come. Incorporating the OX Trade Level 600mm into your toolkit will ensure precise measurements for a range of applications, from construction and carpentry to DIY projects.